OKAMI 御上 - Sound on ! 聞いてくれお願いします.
This is the 1st of 3 paintings and character coming to life in this series introducing the atmosphere and sonic tones of CAT EMPIRE : ODONATA.
Visuals, Sounds, Animation Direction : Yohann Schepacz
2.5D Animation : Ivan Moreno
Since the beginning of the year, I have been working on a series of animations in collaboration with Spanish animator Ivan Moreno, exploring the visual and sonic tones of this world.
As a noob in the field of animation, I had a lot of ideas but zero technical experience and no free time to learn, so I was thrilled when Ivan accepted my offer to create the motions while I directed him, I used the opportunity to perfect the visuals in the process.
It's also my first foray in sound design but it's far easier to mess with. Using samples from creative commons libraries, I crafted the sound effects and atmosphere while we were going back and forth with the animation.
Thanks for watching.
Official website: https://www.catempire.net/